About Dabbagh Welfare Trust

In 2013, the Teacher of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah – Ahmad Dabbagh, along with a dedicated team of volunteers, established the Dabbagh Welfare Trust. This was a result of a growing need to help the most vulnerable and needy communities around the world. Since its establishment, Dabbagh Welfare Trust has grown from strength to strength and has expanded its charity projects in over 12 countries and over 30 communities in desperate need of help and support.

Our Mission: Mercy For All

“The relief of poverty, sickness, distress or suffering of any persons who are in need…”

Dabbagh Welfare Trust has established itself as an international NGO operating across some of the poorest and war-stricken countries in the world including; Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Tanzania, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Palestine, and Morocco.

Our projects include; building water wells in remote communities, building homes, facilitating collective marriages, establishing medical and eye camps, innovative business projects and responding to humanitarian crises, such as the displacement of millions in Yemen, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan and Palestine.

Led by a team of dedicated volunteers, Dabbagh Welfare Trust is passionate about making a positive change in people’s lives, for a better future.

Our Vision: Mercy For All

Inspired by the Islamic principle of compassion upon creation, our vision is simply to have mercy for all through the act of charity. Our team of volunteers work with an ethos of service to the Creator – Allah SWT.

We are passionate about tackling poverty and aim to develop self-sustaining and cohesive communities – a hands-on approach that leads to a better quality of life for now and into the future.

Our Appeals

Dabbagh Welfare Trust is a UK-based Islamic Charity. Since 2013 we have been working across the world helping the poor and the needy. Throughout the year we help the poor and the needy with the funds raised via the following appeals:

  • Gaza Emergency Appeal
  • Syria Crisis Appeal
  • Yemen Crisis Appeal
  • Rohingya Crisis Appeal
  • Afghanistan Emergency Appeal
  • Morocco Earthquake Appeal
  • Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal
  • Zakat Appeal
  • Food Appeal
  • Water Appeal
  • Pakistan Floods Appeal
  • Bangladesh Floods Appeal
  • Winter Appeal

Our Work

Charity work is not easy but when you see a smile on the faces of widows, orphans, the poor and the needy, you feel good. Let’s all make dua that Allah accepts our efforts and eases the pains and worries of the poor across the world. Our work includes:

  • Building shelters for the widows, orphans and the needy families
  • Helping widows through the ‘Sponsor a Widow’ programme
  • Supporting orphans through the ‘Sponsor an Orphan’ programme
  • Sponsoring children to go to school – Educate a Child programme
  • Income generation programme – such as donating a hand cart, sponsoring a sewing machine or simply gifting a goat helps the poor come out of poverty
  • Collective marriage programme – Helping poor girls & boys fulfil the sunnah of Nikah
  • Sponsoring Syed families to help them come out of poverty
  • Providing free eye and medical through initiatives like free eye camps and free medical camps for the poor

Our Donation Policy

Our donation policy makes sure that 95% of the donations go to the causes we are supporting and only 5% goes towards the marketing and administration of all activities.

We work closely with our offices and partners on the ground and can respond in a holistic, transparent and accountable manner, which makes a lasting difference to the communities we work with.

Why not a 100% Donation Policy?

Just to clarify Dabbagh Welfare Trust does not employ anyone. So the question is why not operate a 100% Donation Policy? The answer is to stay on the safe side. We cover all our administrative and marketing expenses from gift aid claims however to give ourselves leeway, we have kept a 5% allocation from the donation amount but rest assured every single penny of your donation goes towards the charity’s operations and projects. If our expenses are lower than the gift aid claim amount then all extra funds are added to the charity funds which in some years makes it a 100% donation policy, however, to stay safe we always advise our donors that our official donation policy is 95%.

How your money is spent?

At Dabbagh Welfare Trust, we deliver your donation in an efficient and wholly accountable way.

Transparency is important to you and to us. We do everything we can to reduce the costs of delivering our projects so that at least 95% of your donation will benefit communities directly.

If you donate £100 to the Gaza Emergency Appeal, £95 will go directly to Gaza to provide food, water, winter and financial support. The remaining £5 will be used to raise more funds and cover any administrative costs.

Before You Donate, Read This!

Dabbagh Welfare Trust is a UK-based Islamic Charity. Through our charity projects, we support hundreds of widows, orphans, and vulnerable individuals. Since our establishment, we have been actively working to eradicate poverty from some of the world’s poorest communities.

Whether you’re looking to donate towards the Gaza Emergency Appeal, Yemen Crisis Appeal, Syria Crisis Appeal, Rohingya Crisis Appeal, Afghanistan Emergency Appeal, Pakistan Floods Appeal, Bangladesh Floods Appeal or you want to give your Zakat to a widow or you are looking to sponsor an orphan, insha’Allah your donation is in safe hands. Insha’Allah, with your support, we will bring prosperity to the homes of needy Muslims (one family at a time).